"Pirate School!" Arts Center show (The Tobin Center, TX)
"The Wondershow!"
“Captain Nemo’s Adventure Academy: 20,000 Laughs Under the Sea!"
“Captain Nemo’s Adventure Academy: 20,000 Laughs Under the Sea!”
"Jack Frost: Snow Kidding!" (At the Schiddeger Center, MO)
"Pirate School: Sea Dreams!"
"Pirate School! Arts Center show (Lake Jackson, TX)
"Wizard Academy!" with audience volunteer (Unison Arts Center, NY)
"Wizard Academy! (The Fitton Centre, OH)
“Captain Nemo’s Adventure Academy!” (The SUBMERGE Festival, NYC)
"Superhero Academy!" with audience volunteer (Hoover Library Theatre, AL)
"Jack Frost: Snow Kidding!"
"The Wondershow!"
"Pirate School!" with audience volunteer (The Mahawie Theatre, MA)
"Pirate School: Follow Your Compass!" Anti-bullying school assembly
"Pirate School!" Sailing through the mists of time. (The Fairmont Opera House, MN)
"Jedi Star Force Academy!" A Star Wars tribute (The Legacy Theatre, IL)
"Jedi Star Force Academy!" with volunteers (The Legacy Theatre, IL)
Holiday Acts: The Grinch! (with an unknown person)
"El Magnifico: World's Worst Magician" Festival in Liuzhou, China
"El Magnifico: World's Worst Magician" Festival in Liuzhou, China